To place an order, simply visit our website and create an account. Browse through our product categories, add items to your cart, and proceed to checkout. Follow the prompts to provide delivery information and select a convenient payment method to complete your order.
We deliver to various locations across Bangladesh. During the checkout process, you can enter your address to check if we deliver to your area.
Our delivery charges may vary based on your location and the size of your order. You can find detailed information about our delivery charges on our website or during the checkout process.
We accept various payment methods, including cash on delivery (COD), credit/debit cards, and mobile banking options. You can choose the most convenient payment method for you during the checkout process.
We have a hassle-free return and exchange policy. If you receive a damaged or expired product, please contact our customer support within a specified time frame, and we will assist you with the return or exchange process.
For any inquiries or assistance, you can reach our customer support team via email, phone, or live chat. Our contact information can be found on our website's "Contact Us" page.